WRnet: Stream Support

My whole life has been a bit step in a traumatic experience and streaming / playing games and meeting people who enjoys the same stuff as I, has helped me be a better person today.

Here is an inside of supporting this stream and community:


  • Gets me away from an extreme toxic environment of the failing casino industry that I am currently in limbo for as rumors hit that my department might be “let go” soon to help save the company.
  • Helps with fixing problems not covered with insurance, stuff damaged that was caused by the cancer.
  • Helps me return to Central Oregon where I can rival against an business partner who held me against my will and forced me out of Central Oregon.
  • Helps my Transition.
  • Just hanging out helps me cope with the trauma I’ve faced over the years caused by alot of extremely toxic people who I placed trust into that used me and destroyed my self confidence over time who has made me feel like suicide is the only way out.
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