Cyber v1.3.1 – What is a Vulnerability

V1.3.1 – Redux

What is a vulnerability?

A vulnerability is a software (or hardware) weakness, which can be exploited to perform unauthorized actions with in a computer system.

What does it mean?

Internet Explorer 9, (latest is internet explorer 11 – Edge) – You visit a website that contains a special code that just by viewing, as soon as you view the site the browser IE9 will start download and process the code of the website. Lets say for an example website has exploit.js inside the html code, ie9 downloads runs the javascript code, and the code calls for the vulnerability inside ie9. Code Gets injected and all of a sudden new code gets injected that execute Administrator level access. Exploit -> Run Code -> Admin yay!

What do I do?
I Am a part of the SCCM Team (System Center Configuration Management), I take part with the lead with Vulnerability management Patch Management, also just took lead on Apple Mac patch and vulnerability management. I do a lot of Powershell scripting if really have to I would run vbscript.

SCCM Is a tool that is used across a network to do patch, application, and software management. (More information on such things is to read up on the ITiL foundations)

Current vulnerabilities we are working with, they lead to finding and locating Old machines that exist in over a huge network (est of over 4k computers desktop + laptop)

We have to hunt down old machines with broken SCCM Clients,
Recap: One part of SCCM, it is a central location for Microsoft updates across the network forcing with Group Policy to only update at this point instead of live internet. Reason for this; let say that there is a custom 3rd party application and one windows update fix breaks that 3rd party application now the employee is unable to do their job.

(check this out for what is WannaCry )

Mostly leads to -> SMB v1 -> ms17-010

Dark Hotel APT -> Possible a group? Or a program? Labeled by the media from North Korea?

Current CVE’s linked to Dark Hotel.




Best Advice: Update yooourr! SHIT! (just update your stuff)

Windows -> patch Tuesday(second tueday of every month)
3rd party apps -> always update chrome(release weekly updates), adobe flash -> weekly updates -> Oracle Java Runtime Env.  -> 1 maybe 2 times a month or 2 updates. Firefox -> week to bi-weekly updates. ->

Windows Defender – is good, 3rd party av’s are alright bloatware. Malwarebytes.

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Warframe – my fun times comes to an end.

The Good:
Warframe is a good solid game with it’s typical bugs, when I got over the overwhelming part of the initial start I learned what the game was about. I started at MR1(account was created in 01/03/2014 but didn’t really focus on playing until 04/23/2018)

I did the story and loved it, I love the game play of the game and the modes it has with the random pugs to friends who play as a team. The game is really grindy tho but the way you play this game it gives the grind a bit of fun as the maps is always different and the encounters will always be different.

The Twitch streams:
With in the past few months I have been listening to suggestions from other successful in community building

With some games there is a contradiction to twitch streaming as I see it as a catch 22 basically, I hear this often from streamers who stream for a living “stream what you like to play” and then i hear “don’t stream games that are a pitfall”. So yep that is confusing.

But these streamers got success for being them and in playing games they love in which pretty much not warframe or a game similar to it.

So the study begins:
So I became an affiliate, I didn’t rather ignore the catch 22 warning I rather embraced it as a study.

As I learned how to play Warframe with co-workers but rarely with the other communities I am with and it was hard to get into Warframe partners groups as well since they are always normally full.

With my progression with warframe I decided to stream it often and when I did that I’ve noticed the users who used to visit my stream every now and then decided not to show up anymore and my viewer count daily that I would get

So I was going wtf? As this is just another game isn’t it? I didn’t get this bad of viewership and / or the feeling like I just stopped streaming all together.  I have been streaming 90% of my 80 login streak and the numbers didn’t change at all when I would stream Warframe.

Well for one I’ve noticed a pattern if you visit the game title on twitch you will see a few rows of high player viewer count and a sudden drop to 20 and below that stream Warframe often are not partners at all everyone above are.

So I have been digging a bit on how Warframe is being marketed as it just occurred to me recently that this is a free game and it’s main source of income is from the plat / prime sales. So it’s technically not free it is a pay2win game. 

With Warframe, I kinda feel like it is an MLM(Multi Level Marketing)  but for gaming, not to mention it is free to play. Moving forward hos is this bad thing? And why does it really hurt new affiliate streamers?

First of all, keep in mind of what is multilevel marketing?  Well what is it?

Multi-level marketing is a strategy that some direct sales companies use to encourage their existing distributors to recruit new distributors by paying the existing distributors a percentage of their recruits’ sales; the recruits are known as a distributor’s “downline.” All distributors also make money through direct sales of products to customers. Amway is an example of a well-known direct-sales company that uses multi-level marketing.

So how does this work with Warframe?
Let’s say you visit a WF Partner stream and they invite you to play the game -> they give a link now you are invited as a peon user under the partner.

-> Warframe
–> WF Partner gets a % of all sales from the invited WF players
|— WF Player — WF Player

So a twitch streamer is trying to make it big but also driving as a leader and doing so dabs into sales of marketing schemes while also selling themselves with their own merchandise. This game to a streamer is a double edge sword.

Want to make a few dollars in playing a free (pay2win) game, just need

  1. A supportive community
  2. Meet the requirements to become partner
  3. Let the sales happen

So what does this leave me?

Recap of what kind of streamer I am

  •  I am a new affiliate
  •  Still trying to build returning users and a community

What happens when I stream warframe?

To be honest, it feels like I should not stream at all. I don’t get anything negative nor positive from it and it shows even by the twitch reports that my stream is pretty much stuck in the black hole and this is an over 3 month study.

What will I do now?
I am going to completely stop streaming Warframe, it’s not worth the time and effort as the community does not support newly affiliates (as it feels and shown) and that is sad because I like the game, it’s fun but I can’t keep showing my progression if I want to build my own little community and since I am NOT a WF Partner I am rather useless at least that is how I feel coming from the Warframe community as a whole as I don’t have the plat* giveaways to work on and I don’t have the money to support to buy a Warframe community just to work around to boost myself a quick community to get WF Partnership. 


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Cyber Security Awarness v1.2

Wheel of morality turn, turn, turn… what is the lesson we shall learn?

I will cover a few lessons learned when I was doing childish things as a kid 19/18 years ago.

I will be doing a segment about

boredom, curiosity, and fame the mind of what i did as a kid before I grew up with computers and my career in IT.


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Cyber Security Awareness v1

Monday night between 7-8pm PST I “WonderingRaven” will be streaming a bit of the Cyber Security Awareness segments.

Topic for 08/06/2018 will be Doxing & Swatting.

This is what I will be covering.

  • What is Doxing?
  • What is swatting?
  • What do you do if?
  • How can you prevent it?


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Been a while…

Well hi there, welcome back viewer.

I have some news, I got a project and I need a team to make a dream into a reality.

Project requires game design, development, and management.

So in many cases this project is a little risk but is well worth taking on. When executed and it goes live it will be rewarding this team will become a lead of a new studio and will be rewarded partners in this project.

If you are interested please feel free to contact me via email. [email protected]

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WRnet as a server

At one time if anyone ever still comes around knows this used to be an IRC server network that I once managed now I am working on a discord setup just for the old glory days.
As I am piecing back together the whole network once again.

Right now
– Twitch: Streaming my gaming as I play getting more open to public speaking.
– Discord the IRC replacement
– More to come as I develop the time for the projects.

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Doing the twitch thing…

Well incase you have not know already and you follow me from here and there. I have been doing the experimental thing with you can follow me at right now I am just streaming games until I get my webcam is in and some customizable tools.

Streaming time is Monday – Friday from 7pm to 9pm – it is pretty basic and the games is random. I normally put on some music if I am playing anytype of games like simcity / cities: skyline.

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Updates….and Stuff?!?

It has been a while since I have placed an update.

From my Garage projects, I have been slowly re-inventing my old network the “Wondering Raven Networks”

My ultimate goal is to have a stable network back at home back to basic webhosting with other various of small projects including IRC.

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About the Networks and stuff.

network-security-rpcWondering Raven networks

Founded in 1998, is an innovative network and incubator’s to various of other projects such as:

Garys computers that I have setup for computer services and cyber security awareness with consulting and deployment.

Ravenpc founded in 1998 as a consultant for building custom computers. Build, test, secured out of the box computers and one day to be a major competitor against Dell,hp etc.. assembled and supported in America.

DorkMedia project that started with just hosting and webdesign to other ideas cooking and in planning phases. is my blog on my garage projects and drifting and other blog roll projects mostly personal site and my future driver site for progressing with the Professional Drifting / Driving with the 200sx Nissan S12 (Silvia) projects.

Tougesw is a blog about various of events in the south west that covers anything automotive, when I am unable to drive I typically take some pictures with a recap of what I have seen. I plan to employ future amateur writers who is looking to cover more events in the southwest that I cannot cover.

WonderingRaven.Net started out as a network project with a slackware linux server stuck in a closet, hosted various of projects and learning the inner-working of linux system administration, cyber security and ventured to openbsd as a router and firewall system that all started at home. Moved forward to IRCd hosting, more with cyber security with various of web projects I got sick in 2003 with cancer and lost my domain for over 8 years and returned back in 2011-2012 when the domain registrar decided to stop registering it. Now I am back with moving forward as this newly founded business incubator. Now it is and has been an ongoing side project as I progress with my career and moving forward in life in one day to hopefully open Wondering Raven Networks as a real business and employ a lot of people.

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Moved the pc repair…

Check out I have fully moved the pc repair to that entity.

Lack of the updates due to alot of working to be had.

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