The Dlive second experience

I am back on DLive and I have learned alot more to the system than I thought.

A new experience: What happened was I got a slot on the front page of DLive and from there I learned that anyone at any time will be selected as long as you do not have the mature / x-tag enabled. This is a random thing in favor of the small streamers giving them visibility.

What scared me the first time?  the whole political right wing and other non-sense but most of that was removed since they where banned for live streaming the raid on the cap. hill back in jan.

Here is a pro’s list of DLive as in it’s current state.

  • The platform is secure from the start the API is locked down with tidylabs.
  • The platform doesn’t cator to sponsors and supports the small streamers
  • Dlive is similar to twitch but not really, most of the UI is similar
  • NO Ads, straight up no advertising in the middle of broadcasts and that is amazing.
  • Better sign up, chat enforcemnt, and
  • Vods don’t get muted, you don’t get DMCA striked and you can play music while you game and entertain.
  • It lives and encourages chat to interact with the streamer based on the rewards of the lemon system, you can earn lemons.
  • Lemons (Dlive bit system) earn you real money and you can stake into crypto for even more money.
  • Decentralized platform.
  • Potential to bring in content that could boost my presence especially when this platform actually does take off to a higher ground.

Cons list:

  • It relays on the streamers to help inspire it’s growth and the major ones only joined for rebounding.
  • Discoverability is a bit hard and different if you just want to search for a game there is no tags and because it has no major favoritism and try to boost small streamers you will get a mix of all types of streamers in catagories.
  • it’s hard to view your chat list if they don’t chat there is no way to view who is watching yourstream.
  • Viewer number doesn’t go up unless you interact with the streamer. (you need to anyways to boost a chance to earn lemons and make money)
  • No sponsorship from anything major I’ve noticed, like some places don’t even know it exists as a platform.

The stream so far is becoming a much better experience this time around. I have my Niche on Twitch, but it’s over saturated network. It’s own users has became the feel of a “regal” like system amongst themselves when they achieve said partnership or higher standards.

The way twitch is being these days / years, Dlive just needs that boost from a community and be able to sponsor it’s viewership to go up. They can’t just keep getting a rebound system going they need that boost even if it’s a gaming company to boost it, it is atleast something.  This is a company owned by Rainberry, INC. the ones who started BitTorrent.

If I become a partner on this platform… Then I will one day just stop streaming to twitch as it is useless to me at this point.  My twitch partner is unlocked, but I got no help to make it happen as my applications gets denied due to viewership numbers.

DLive I don’t need that help, I can do it on my own and it is much easier.

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WRnet the stream. the blog date 952021

Hi there,

Recently I have digging more into Dlive, last year when I attempted to I stumbled upon alot of hatred things including full on right wing nuts. Most of them left the platform when majority of them that streamed the capitol storming was banned from the platform. It was scary stuff at the time, but with recent news especially banning people who live streamed the raid on capitol hill they lost a big eye. Some nuts still stream there but it’s nothing like it was. Big names that streamed there and disappeared all seemed to switched to this platform to push the big dogs to give them more money. Because in the end these content creators is all about the money and self image.

DLive joined later in the game, it’s a real underdog as it contains no advertisements, it is built around being decenralizing and crypto. Then sold to the company of free software Rainberry also known as  “BitTorrent”

But compairing Dlive to Twitch, twitch has alot going on with partnerships and alot of “broken” api, widgets, and other addon.  It took them 8 months and who knows how much longer to patch a very bad security hole.  There is alot of bad things happening on twitch but it’s always been that way for the longest time and it feels like they are not fully doing anything to cover it. Because of that I went to Dlive and started to read up on some stories on the platform and I’ve once said this platform has alot of potential and it really does.

From the start, you can BTT stake in to make money with out the need of affiliate you just have to understand crypto.  Dlive is heavy on the decentralizing platform and on the crypto. They use Lemons instead of bits for it’s gifting that is something that can be conveted later on when you climb the affiliate to even partner level.

Poking away at dlive and it already feels a much more secure platform, it has less and their api isn’t fully developer ready to build 3rd party tools with there is tidylabs but it’s an extra tool that works closely with dlive and it isn’t easily exploitable or that I have yet to find so far.

You can’t see who is sitting in your viewer list but that is a good thing, as long as they have you as a view, (mute the tab but not the stream) it counts as an consistant view.  (If you have a proxy list or multiple TOR instances with different IP’s they also count as a view) Moderation tools are easier to manage.  There is no follower only chat mode but there is a slow mode that is encouraged to be used banning them removes them fully and email verification to chat in that channel can be a requirement. Creating an account doesn’t enforce an 2fa but it does do a few checking.

DLive has alot more going for it as it’s feels more of a safer platform all together I am already networking with others even with one of the community team leaders welcomed me in and so on. It’s like a huge giant big family style streaming service, if I can bridge a safer community using this platform I think dlive might have a winning chance again Twitch’s powerhouse.  Especially now with all the hate and massive problems twitch is currently having.

To be honest, if I hit partner first with DLive, I am done with twitch as my main platform. I am liking the rebound I am getting with the DLive community already as they need all the positivity they can get right now to shake the bad image they have had over a year ago.

if you want to join up and see what Dlive is all about check it out here and follow me on DLive 

Posted in wrnet, Thoughts | Comments Off on WRnet the stream. the blog date 952021

WRNet – The Hate Raids on Twitch

A very strong Content Warning:  Contains Hate and alot of it.

The idea of this is to give you transparency of exactly what is going on. This isn’t just one person, this person is an example as they live streamed it on YouTube in 2018/2019.

It is very hard to track down who is behind them, so I want to tell you a story behind one I’ve tracked and memorialize that lead me to do a write up in early 2020. Called “Viewbotting on Twitch and how to stop it

The viewbot as a service is also used for such events, it is WHY hate raids happen.

5/2019, I’m a mod for a various of transgenderred streamers. They hit streamers like Nikatine (partners you know now) simple work arounds that stop these hate raids they recommend to this day but to kill the source would give a better experience and the source is the VIEWBOT services that is out there.  This is what inspired me to start up WRNet:sec

This story is about one user named “The Chronic Gamer” an gamer who like to troll and does this all for fun in “prank” style of game this is “how” hate raids are conducted.  They feed off your re-action.

The images and videos below where recorded 5/2019 before they removed communities.  This person is just live streaming this on YouTube at the time and possibly still does or someone still does. This is just one major example of what happens, you can review the evidence below on how 1 individual targets people and all you can do is sit back and watch this unfold because twitch has yet to fix their user sign up as I have strongly suggested with my previous post.

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WRnet the stream. the blog date 08222021

Hi there,

In recent times I have made adjustments to my own stream, maybe you have taken notice or have seen it. I have removed more personal things from it and leave it towards as a hobbiest / gamer would do.  I would love to shift and beable to make streaming my main platform for not just my name but for my business as well.

I work hard and I don’t see the success in my work, I hit live every day for the past 4 years and rarely I get seen or even noticed.  I sit with 1 maybe 2 viewers, sometime I might get that host that has over 5 viewers to even 10 but an average viewership is always 1 – 3 viewers.

One time, someone has said  “you need to choose better friends” technically they are right, the ones I call friends and I bend over back supporting when it comes my turn, they are no where to be found and this is why I have trust issues.

I’ve held campaigns to build a custom pc and ship to a lucky person if I was able to achieve partnership, or just to gather the numbers I’ve held a campaign to give away free steam games of choice if I made the numbers per week. I’ve been so willing to give back but no one is listening.  My stream is no different than the popular streamers out there for various games it’s just not my stream, it’s not me. The issue is how I am ignored from the friends I tried to call upon.

In the end, I bake the cookies and I will continue to bake.  I am not going to pull something out of the over because of another cookie was over baked in a different oven.

Other words, I will hit live as scheduled for sept. 1st as like I normally do and no one will even care / notice. It doesn’t impact anything if I don’t go live nor will it impact me going live to begin with.

As for the communities that I seem to still show some support are still hypocritical form from it’s own, I have bowed out of that mess along time ago. If I am still apart of it, it might be because maybe someone might have a change of heart one day and include me but that hope has died along time ago and I rarely even care anymore.

On another side note, that’s cool the movement is getting a name, just like I say about celebrities on TV.  “Good for you” as my life goes on with no one behind me and I stand alone. I will still be optimistic and walk my own path.

Posted in wrnet, Thoughts | Comments Off on WRnet the stream. the blog date 08222021

Some final changes…

So here we go.  Change Log technically for my streams.

I’ve created a new twitch for DorkMedia,  I am still in deciding if this is going to be a weekend streams in creating games with my nephew as he is taking a huge interest in Unreal Engine 4 and I have been wanting to make time for such things. (been my life long dream to make a video game)

WRNet: is live on both Dlive and Twitch. Dlive is dying tho, so I am not sure how long it will last.

Cleaned up and removed any style of pride keeping myself looking more professional on twitch, doing so in relations how I receieved online including future partnerships but also doing so is bandaiding a problem on twitch that is taking up more of a spotlight recently.

So I say good call on myself for that.

TL;DR: People are people.

Main changes to the stream.
Still coping from my loss, so I have been trying to focus more on different games.

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We are hiring

Here is what we are looking for as our goal is to be successful.

I am looking to contract out network marketing + community growth.  I need you to work with me on my content and help create and promote to build a better community.

If this is your area please feel free to discord me or email me

Thank you.

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Couple of additions, updates, and stuff.

Starting off: 

Here is a few things I am working on and changing ontop of my drift car build.

  • The switch to dorkmedia is going to be a bit.
  • WRnet:sec I have revamp a little differently, working on new stories to tell and refocus on CTF.
    • WRNet:sec 1.3 the battle for lvnet in the works
    • WRNet:sec 1.4 the battle within – in the works after 1.3
    • Potentially a 1.5 is to follow depending how deep I get with 1.4.
  • New games on stream:
    • Hunt: Showdown
    • Dragon Quest 11
    • Keeping Warframe off of stream.
    • After 15 years I’ve pretty much have retired from playing World of Warcraft, last DLC actually ruined the experience and all my high level and high tier characters has been ruined and game play I just cannot play anymore nor support behind any longer.
    • Trying to get into FF14 , but it’s been hard since I’ve burned myself out on Final Fantasy’s MMORPG since FF11 and selling my high tier character in 2006.
  • Combining my YT Channels into one.
  • More to come.
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Potential Move to DM…maybe?

In a world of twitch, I spoke about it some last night as I am sailing away.

I’ve joined twitch in 2014, started to started to pick up the pace as I became inspired by other streamers who started to support me back upon supporting them, but as they turned to partners with twitch they dropped their support me and rarely acknowledge that I still exist or even still stream to this vary day. (I have streamed every day since 2018 and have a steady schedule that works around my current job).

As I do say, it is what it is. You cannot change people unless they want to change in the first place.  Alot of times I’ve seen their main agenda, alliances, and or partnerships will destroy other older ideas and plans as they with their choices in life as they want to be bigger but becoming bigger is at it’s own risk.  In my way of seeing it, I wanted to be on the same level and grow as they grow. But that is just wishful thinking, it can’t happen as I was never on their level in the first place. I guess my curse is that I lived all my life being with no high tier friends, unfriendly, and super unpopular. I try to surround myself with these people in a higher tier than I am in hope that I would get noticed and as they say fake it until you become it. One of my greatest fear is that no one will ever know my name.

So in thought of mine that I have recently is moving my whole stream to DorkMedia (it has a whole catching name already) but doing so as I have stated before I would drop everything I support now and build my own alliances and work my butt off this way vs keep going with what I am doing now and fade WRNet as a stream away but never streaming again, never logging into anything WRnet related unless it is business related, etc.. I feel wrnet as a name is just have a bad reputation somewhere that is preventing me from growing, with what I support now and what pride I hold.  My growth in the past year, has technically reversed than what I have started with and no one to back me up 100% I am technically on my own.

What is the point of pride? I did something with in the past year and that idea was stolen and innovated and I got no thanks for the idea. Instead of working together, they just took the idea and rolled with it. Now they are the hero after they stole the idea that I had, but good for them I hope they have a great success from it as it seems they are already.

I guess when I loose my last 4 subs, I’ll make my switch then and phase away from the whole world of pride. I have pretty much given up trying to move forward with wrnet and twitch right now as I have very little to no support for anything I do and anything I do have or ideals I start with building will eventually be stolen from my own communities / teams I support currently.

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Burned out…

I took a 2 week break from work, completely shutting it off from my life refusing to answer any calls or any messages.  I have learned something valuable in which is why I feel so desperate to leave this job and role.  I am beyond burned out from it, I feel like that rusted nail bent sideways that keeps getting hammered and not going anywhere in which is causing a feeling that I just can’t do it anymore. I was and still is very close to move an “I’m done” email and send it and calling it quits after 7 years.

Digging deeper and it isn’t the actual job itself but it is the actual change that keeps unfolding with 0 communication and the micromanagement caused by a bad employee loosing trust with all employee’s and no matter what I do or show it helps me none.  Leaving me feel extremely unappreciated and overworked and again nothing I can do about it and that itself makes work very not enjoyable. I just wish I could venture to these excellent jobs I’ve applied for and their kick ass values they show off. Too bad I was too impressive with these employers to a point they needed someone not impressive because that was all the excuses I got for when they went with another. I am 100% sure I can do the job I’ve applied for thus is why I’ve applied for it.

I am persistent, I’ll find something.

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Moving forward, onward… and stuff.

Hi there, it has been a bit since I’ve written here. I have been hard looking for a job I can flow with and breaking away from a casino environment for various reasons.

One lesson that I need to really break away from and learn this lesson. My biggest flaw is giving people benefit of the doubt in hope that I would profit a success. Playing their rules and their games just by the end of the day my ideas get stolen as they profit from it I am always left in the dust. I guess that is why I was always labeled as “too nice”.

If I am going to be successful, then I need to start playing the 48 laws of power.
as “Law 5. So much depends on reputation. Guard it with your life; what other people say and think about you is important to control.”  In this thought,  I have to drop the ones who I support that deem a bad reputation as it is hurting mine especially ones who just simply support me in return.

It is just that time for me to finally rise up, I feel like a furious sleeping giant slowly waking up.

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