Breaking away and ROI…

I am trapped, I have been trying to break away since 2019 when alot of bad things happened around when my mother passed away, I am extremely unhappy with my work environment. I have feel like I have made a HUGE mistake and I want to quit so badly but if I do I would have to refinance my house again just to survive for a little bit until I can find someway to make the income as I am currently living paycheck to paycheck and thanks to the pandemic I am really strapped on the cash flow.

You ask why is it bothering me that much I should be grateful and suck it up?  Well here is an example what I am dealing with, I am doing what I normally do but when it got down to the last moment of doing your job, you are now getting told what to do and micromanaged how they want you to do it treating you like a baby that I don’t even know how to do my job anymore and the abuse continues with their poor choice of words to a point I want to quit and I am sitting there screaming “please fire me already I can’t do this anymore”

I have been applying to get out for the longest time, as you would figure being in the black hat field before would qualify you for a cyber job somewhere right? nope, I didn’t get arrested with the government so there for I am a no one.  Yeah I broke into servers, dumped databased, traded databases for stuff, built automated scripts and DDoS Attack drones, no big deal right? sure I hacked an ISP and then worked for them, but I am worth less than a McDonalds employee to them and the same type of verbal harassment in return so what is the point of returning to work for them? I would get more money working in Starbucks as a barista at this point.

I have been trying for jobs I know I would fit in and do extremely well and have that return of invested time in not just for the money but feeling rather useful for my time.  But, every time I get to the second interview, it turns out great but I get that follow up email “sorry, try again another time”

Then I look at this side hustle… I get motivated to try and keep trying to push it but when I even spam out flyers and such not even a bite.

What gets me is for an example, I am even a moderator for some communities and they see me struggling and is damn well they should know that I could do everything from hosting  graphic and web design for them but I feel they don’t care enough and I get ignored on that area too like a punch in the gut showing they don’t give a shit regardless I spend my time helping them out.

When I brought back WRNet as a community I was motivated because at one point  it was a growing community with 1k+ IRC server at one point but now I have barely a handful of people that hang out but 9/10 muted it because what is the point of talking to me?  which brings me back to feeling like I am a no one.

I have been feeling down and it has been hitting me and rethinking things with just giving up  and currently thinking of what will I just convert and focus into, just be labeled as a new person “X” and register this person X and let these domains expire and not renew them.

I have felt and have been feeling like I’ve made a mistake into keep going as I have wasted 20 years on the RavenPC / WonderingRaven brand alone.

On the good side, I did meet a few friends along the way, but that is all. Support for what I do is ignored on a greater level and I have to think and reinvent myself as I am now 41 and I really got nothing.

I am still trying to figure this out, meaning if I see some type of light at the end of the tunnel then I’ll continue but Just like any bad business investments, you have to let it go.

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This is the end…I am done.

I am done with all of this.

I have spent over 20 years trying to make a dream come true. I’ve done nothing but be a failure trying with no help.

What is going away is everything I attempt in doing including:
WRNet: Community, my refocus business to WRNet:Sec, RavenPC, Dorkmedia, etc…

My Twitch is going away, twitter, all socials as much as I can do is fade to black, including discord.

I am just done.

No help, No support, Lost all hope.  I just simply have given up.

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Games that is hard to play….

There is a list of games that is just mentally hard to play that I used to enjoy, I still enjoy but either they are feeling like a waste of my time and / or it brings back hurtful times and bad memories and you can’t make good memories alone.

My mom passed away in July of 2019, she was very close to me and her death was very sudden out of no where.

World of Warcraft:

  1. Game leads to drama from it’s own communities.
  2. Friends that I once played with are no longer playing nor care if we roll together anymore Rather it be PvE or PvP.  Now I play it, just to grind alone.
  3.  Game changes for the worse for each DLC upgrade (Xpac) they introduce good things and take it away.  Over 15 years playing and still I don’t see why I continued on.
  4. Playing this alone brings memory of my mom on when she would talk to me alot during the solo grinds and I end up crying sooner or later because of this. That is all people do, automatically expect that you grind solo and be done with it and automatically be ready for raids and mythic dungeons.  I can’t do it alone anymore I just end up in buckets of tears.
  5. They removed PvPvE.. and introduced warmode that makes no vital logical sense.


  1. Another addicting grinding game and with streaming / playing as much as I do I wanted to justify of me keep going by reaching out for partnership now content creator. To have some type of recognition. Because I feel ignored by it’s own community, I feel like playing this game is no longer worth my time.
  2. The lo-fi hip-hop and the solo grinds while talking to my mom, the lo-fi hiphop was the flow when I got the news of my mom’s sudden passing and since I feel alone in this game already it brings back memories even the most hurtful ones and after a few hours of playing I am crying buckets.

Destiny 2:

  1. Too much of a grind even for solo. I feel like this is a huge waste of my time and any future money spent.


  1. Another grind game with an excellent story but I feel too alone in this game and I am just not motivated enough to continue on and with no chat to engage to help me move forward I don’t feel like this is worth the time.


  1. Game that used to promote Group + Linkshell (guilds) for fun things, this was a fun game to meet and social with new people but that is now long and gone.
  2. Sold my account in 2007 over bullshit with my now ex-wife and I regret it since.
  3. Tried to play again but it’s a barren when it comes to being social and the game just promotes NPC’s as replacements for grinding parties… so this has became  Too boring to do all the grind again.

Sea of Thieves: 

  1. Another grind and another time wasted. , placed alot of work this past year to get some dent in partnership, when I met the requirements I was ignored. Yet I am not any different than the current partners that is there.
  2. Game is fun, it helps get my mind off of current events with my passing of my mom. But I feel like unless I get famous in a different place they will never partner me unless I get the lucky draw of the hat.
  3.  Too much solo time and no chat to engage, so I have better solo games to play
  4. The Streamer Cliché on Sneaks / Steals with Fort of the Damned, With promoting terrorizing newbie players has already lost it’s cool, especially when you do it soo much already and with even better tactics you would figure would catch an eye but… just like warframe, this community also ignores what I do and doesn’t give a shit either.
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Hacking Hello! – Started here

“I started with this hacking shit, and this is the motherfuckin thanks I get?”

As the song plays on and story about to be told and unleashed to YT Hell, I hacked my career in IT and into the ISP as my first job. I did do a smaller version but this one I am about to release is a much more in depth to this version. 

  • 1999 – 2000 -> I started out as a cyber punk, black hat asshat.
  • 2000 -> r00ted and Owned the ISP due to a major beef with other hackers that had access first but never patched them.
  • 2000 – 2007 – it took 3 tries to get in the door, over time  I ended up waring a multi hat admin, engineering, and service desk role but was only worth $10/hour as *cheap* labor with promises that was never fulfilled.  This ISP owner basically hacked me in return as he socially, mentally, and verbally abused me over time.
  • 2011 – 2012 – I returned to this ISP in thinking I would get something from it but back to verbally abusing me.
  • 2020 – I handed an offer I was laughed at and was told I was too expensive, with a fuck off and have a nice day.  *note, I never pointed out any money to be asking*

I feel like I am wasting my time with a place that see me only as “cheap” labor and knowing my own worth should be an powerful ally let alone.

There is always 2 sides to every story, but I always tried to think that maybe things will get better? you know be nice or too nice? turn the other cheek?

I can understand why sooo many people hate the guy, could never trust him, his verbal abuse alone is what causes the problems to begin with.

He did in fact got me involved with the FBI once when I was recovering from cancer and all I did was answer his call to give him a helping hand and as soon as I arrive at the warehouse it got raided and this moment I will never forget when I had both the ATF and FBI pointed Their Automatic rifles at my head for over hours. I should have ended my career with the ISP *then* in 2003 not continue on until 2007.

I wrote alot of my frustrations in 2004 – 2007 on my own personal blogs back then, why would I have wrote such things?

Here is A thought of why as I am self reflecting, I needed to reach out as I was being verbally abused, maybe for a good intention but everything was handled badly and poorly to a point I felt trapped, starved, and I really needed help as I felt like I’ve made a huge mistake at that point of my life.  I couldn’t escape, I needed help badly and I even relayed upon my ex-wife to help me hence is why I left in 2007 and finally pushed myself to a real job from there.

As I am reflecting about the the offer I handed over, the thought process was when he called me a friend in 2019, thinking he might have changed a bit or turned a new leaf?

Just the rejection alone had me reflecting about it and I keep bouncing the idea if I could will it work? and in the end is it worth the effort?

Always thinking of ways of could have handled alot of the situations but the first and foremost is that I should not have been in any of the situations in the first place. If promises was kept and rewards, promotions, and career boosting opportunities arise from within things would have been a whole lot better and proud to be apart of the ISP would be there and not feel like I work for a joke.

I mean they where a joke before I started in 99/00, they had no idea who did what to their network, Pretty much still a joke now with high turnaround rates for low wages.

With all these reflections, thoughts, and memories, I am trying to justify a way if there is a chance I could break down that verbal abuse and claim a promise?

Ultimate goal is to be a partner of some sort with this ISP, CISO is in mind and that is the Ultimate prize, and the dream to build my team and hire a lot of good talent or potential talent.

Sadly… that will never happen. Not unless this owner has a change of heart.

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The dumb discord…. and help is needed.

Hi there,

I recently have show case my discord from time to time. You may think why even join my discord? or why do you even care?  “Oh it is just another streamers discord, hard pass”

Well first of all, WRnet in the early 2000’s hosted IRC server that housed over 1’000 of actual users not just my own DDoS egg drones at the time and had various of different chans-wide it became a community for a testing ground area. “Incubator” in various roles suck as Server Administration, Network Administration, etc…. places where we can colab with ideas, hacks, and how-to’s with critical thinking.  Of course this vanished when I became sick with cancer and I lost my domain name in the process of fighting for my life.  But now it’s back!

Discord, is a much better system as it supports images, voice / video conferencing to even local channels around various of projects I work and support with. IE: Car related -> Touge Project, RavenPC my branding of hardware, and to even Dorkmedia. SO I decided to reboot my wrnet community in this fashion. (at one point before I got sick I was developing an mIRC script that did some functionalities as discord is now)

Things I have considered and would move forward with is split any proceeds I make with my twitch with working mods who help promote and push for my success. This also means my twitch payout.  If this was a way to pay my mods, this is how I would do it, I would just give you a % of my payout. This list will expand as more of the WRNet community grows.

So here is what I am looking for:

  • Moderators for both stream and discord.
  • Promotors that can
    • Editors for video content, IE: stream highlights.
    • Promoters
    • Act as a sales agent for various of side business / products I do.
  • Podcasting content helper.

Here is what you can expect:

  • Mods + Promo + Helpers will be paid upon in a % (almost like being a partner with WRNet) if I get paid, we get paid and all numbers will show to the last drop.

How to apply:


  • 90% attendance is required, so if you fall under 90% of the week attendance (Sun to Saturday)
  • Must be active and help promote in the discord, want you to feel at home in the discord as a community not just be a name on the side.
  • Must attend most of all mod meetings, this will be a bi-weekly event going for a month with a rating per 1/ depends on the pay out process.
  • Donations do apply this is giving back to the stream, % will be tallyed between the stream, community support and % team.
  • Anything that ruins the reputation of the server and/ or the owner is immediately removed this include bigotry, bullying, and including doxing of various users and moderator and for fitting any % that is currently in progress or anything scheduled in the future with the immediate remove of the community.

Goal for this discord is to revive the old WRNet community not be just another streamers discord. I am also not into being a black hat like I was when I was younger so everything must follow Discord’s Terms of Service.

Goal’s for the stream is to give back to the ones who helped me in becoming successful. I want to bring back the ol innovation and critical thinking.



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Sea of thieves – PvP embracing and running.

Here is a term that has been around lately with Sea of thieves, you are role playing a “pirate” and it actually gets me when people define pirates and get it mixed and get it twisted.

There is people who both embrace pvp and try to run from it. You the pirate engaging in another ship to sink and claim their “loot”

Reaper Bone’s is a Trading company in Sea of thieves does not mean you are a “pirate” per-se it’s a trading company that encourages piracy, but doesn’t mean you need to pirate.  People assume raising this flag means you are automatically looking for trouble, it just puts you on the map knowing your location at all times.

Being a pirate does not mean that you are a Warrior, barbarian, nor viking etc…

Being a pirate is a robber of the sea in short, You come to steal and rob people if you are looking for pvp there is the Arena that is full of people who are looking for pvp fun, but in the sea of thieves you pirate or be pirate or be the one who hunts the pirates (bullies of the server) IE: Lie, Cheat, Steal… or in better wording “Pirate, Mate”

Flameheart “Not Pirates, but cowards” the thing is with this, this is a contradiction or an insult to actual pirates as pirates are cowards as they will use anything they can to run and rob you later.

Pirate does not mean barbarian, If they have a reaper bone they are a huge target, The higher the emissary to a pirate this means there is a lot of loot.  You can’t be certain if they are going to fight or run 9/10 they will run because “they have loot” My suggestion would be not to engage directly instead trap them into a corner and destroy them with thinking + plotting like a real pirate would do.

Winning is Winning, there is no honor amongst thieves, if you want honor go play “For Honor”

Last but not least, You cannot get angry if they run. If they run, do what ever you want to do, but unless you have the wind favor and the ship then proceed other than that don’t waste your time because unless human error takes place 9/10 you just lost the loot that you want from them and you are now playing their game of cat and mouse. With this I would suggest immediately stop and find another way.

I hope this helps with your way of thinking, yarr see you on the sea’s.

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DLive – Post Stream Write up

As you have known, I have been streaming on for over 2 months now, I started for a plan of 1 month but extended to two months. I never got to their affiliate status as it is beyond hard to do any type of networking on, it’s hard to be discovered it seems streaming games. It is hard to do any type of discovery or networking on this service and more I dig into the other streamers more “Yikes” I tend to get.

When I attempt to reach out to other streamers on DLive, they stream content that I just cannot jive with. I just can’t do it, it is beyond too political and too many tin foil hat wearers there and then it also harbors hate groups or allows them to use the platform to stream on as they cannot stream on Twitch nor YouTube.

Because of this I am going to reach out to my brother and get my nephew remove from this platform because of this nonsense that isn’t regulated.

Dlive suffers a viewer bot flaw that twitch had years ago but it is no point of having a lot of viewers because the browsing is technically shuffles who is playing what in that catagory.

Dlive has potential, I might continue my CTF’s there for the meanwhile but I am removing my game in my primetime of going live.

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Sea of thieves – the fun runs

I use this as a guide to my sailing route for when I decide not to work on PvE content such as Athena quests, merchants etc..

Alot of times I use this to hunt megaladons or Skeleton ships mainly because of the drops and I would make a drop off to reapers hide-a-way.

I’ll find ships with emissaries around this route also hits all the vault locations in sight.  So alone I’ll devise a plan to unlease sometype of evil attack on it and get the prized award. Normally I just need reapers rep so I’ll get their flag as the prize.  In a party, I’d go for more.

Servers will look dead, but 9 / 10 new players login or merge over from another server. Then there is you merging to a real active one with someone stacking fort of th damned.

Don’t give up on the quiet servers, you can get good content from them.  It really what makes this game both fun and exciting adventure all together.

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Test Driving DLive.TV a new platform!

Well since my birthday on the 30th I have streamed to the platform DLive.TV.

For a while I was looking for a new opportunity to grow and start something, something to get me more of working remotely and you know there was a lot of drama has been taking place over and around twitch with in these past few years especially when you feel unappreciated, a  nobody, and you don’t get into the streamer clique of aspiring partners and you end up feeling like they have abandoned the places they once stood for and some have become hypocritical of who they are  so you tend to feel they are technically pushing you to quit all together or you tend to get angry or frustrated over it to cause massive community drama over it.

Yeah, I am not going to lie, I was there that person feeling left out and abandoned but I wasn’t the only one and  when my mom passed away and put aside all of that feelings and placed myself in a self coping and just a state of feeling alone so instead of focusing on trying to join the solo aspiring partner ranks and feel like I need to sell out or something,  I just need something new and I hear it often about that same feeling from others and I can related but all I can say is ” it is what it is and we can’t dwell on it just focus on you. there is always an opportunity out there that you will find,  just keep looking and don’t give up.”

I do have a niche on twitch but… that niche needs a boost and I got no support for it I have to find my support for it.

I tried mixer and it sucked but then it shutdown.

Then there was this new platform was mentioned by my 10 year old nephew as he is super into streaming and nerdy stuff.  When mixer shutdown, my nephew joined this place as he is too young to get into twitch.  Now recently a friend of mine who got wrongfully banned on twitch due to the lame policies and is awaiting their appeal made a switch to Dlive so I dug into some research.  So here is what I have found with some pros and cons to this network.

Dlive from my perspective as a first impression. Research gathering and here is what I see. This is ONLY what I seen as a first impression, this does not relate to what they do or currently represent.

  • Started from wikipedia:
    • Red Flags seen was Alex Jones the conspiracy theorist(but was banned from the network early 2019), PewDiePie and a alot of other right wing supporter who podcast here.  This brings an influx of conspiracy theorists around and nutjobs and not a place for an Atheist such as myself. (I’ve never seen a right wing Atheist)
    • Interesting flag for thought, Decentralized and on a blockchain system and wrapped around cryptocurrency.
  • Game Browsing
    • This is a new level of small time streamers hitting the top of the list, I am getting viewers out of nowhere. People diving into the category and is discovering me.
    • People with 0 or 1 viewers are at the top of the list, it feels like it is more of a round robin how the users are shuffled in this list.  But the Games are segregated by the viewers of the game itself IE: if 1 person with 1000 people is playing doom, doom will show 1000 people viewing, or if 10 people playing sea of thieves with 1 viewer than it will show 10 viewers for Sea of Thieves and this list climbs depending on viewership of the game not the streamer.  So this is a better discovery by the game played vs the streamer viewer count is higher than yours.
    • Demographics seems to be strong on Turkey, Spain, And Conspiracy Theorist Americans.  (see next info for more)
    • 24/7 music streams not being DMCA’d (I guess they don’t give a shit what you play just as long as it’s not porn.)
  • Streamers
    • Different view of people, Chatting catagory I have found alot of bible studies, Right Wing “MAGA” Politics chatting, Massive Conspiracy Theorists plague this area, but wait there is more there is a few actual hippies real hippies yo! and  Turkish talkers of just chatting like you would find on twitch but from Turkey and a lot of Turkish teens.
    • The ones who have popped in and have said hi, gave a few tips here and there. But that is all really, I didn’t expect much as I am new but hey, it’s more than what I’ve gotten back in 2014 on twitch with my first time streaming a popular game.
    • I got lemon’s which is like bits for twitch but worth $0.12 per lemon as a streamers currency. You can earn lemons by viewing and lurking other channels with interactions. But you cannot withdraw this as a money making on return. Only Cryptocurrency BTT is what is done by.

2 days so far and here is some thoughts:

Cyber security side:  as this is an untapped potential I see red flag with botting and not just for viewership but for cryptocurrency farming. Another issue is there is no way to verify the user accounts created and you can totally fake your way to affiliate (200 accounts yikes) or gulp partnership.

It uses BTT as it’s cryptocurrency means and when you hit partner you get a nice 5% bonus in the stake. This being a small network, different platform that is slowly growing I am sure there is alot that can be exploited and abused if it’s not already.  Remind you this is “Cryptocurrency” blockchain based so…. abusing this platform isn’t going to hurt the whole network just a potential bigger cryptocurrency nightmare.  I actually wonder if a security researcher has done anything to Dlive. I am rather curious on this platform now.

Another view: There is NO way to tell who is wa`tching your stream this could be potentially bad or a good thing.

Political ways: This isn’t a safe place for left wingers maybe centrists but not left wing, and being this is mostly conspiracy theorists and Christians, being trans is not a place to be here. IF you do, you need an army and something to help holding the ground because you will be fighting far right who rather see you dead than to allow you to stream and potentially it’s scary to think about it and that is if they want to fight on Dlive, they might just migrate to another service. You Might capture the demographics of the Spanish (spain) or Turkish but last I remember being trans in Turkey is a really bad thing and this might be a problem.

Hope: But…  Things I do see that could unite the clans! (metaphorically speaking) You can’t advertise that you are trans, it’s not safe. (extremely not safe at all I wouldn’t do it)  Instead you have to bring topics that isn’t there like for instance.   I see the brilliant yet shitty OS “TempleOS” as a  live stream. So this would be great way to slap in your hobbies and or competitive gaming and go from there remove the political views unless you want to demostrate a political view you have to be tough and vigilant on this platform but it can be done it takes time and a good team.

Twitch is no different, it really isn’t it has the same right wing but it has the “balance”  it currently has.  Twitch is also a huge giant now, it’s not impossible but improbable to climb up because a streamers goal on twitch is to achieve partnership and will burn anyone in the process in doing so.  To get the progress to even apply you need a stepping stone and it has to be a partnership of some kind rather it be another partner or a game studio to endorse you and to be endorse you have to have some type of Return on Investment in advertising typically you have to sell out to get up.

This is a new service, it is fresh and on the ideas of a better network than Youtube or Twitch by actually giving back to the streamers.

it is a decentralized network built on a blockchain of cryptocurrency. (think of a city built ontop of a huge gold mine that you can mine yourself)

Opportunity is  different, making money from cryptocurrency then a straight payout from the platform itself.

Better opportunity to be found, network, and promote yourself on and I don’t need to sell myself out for sponsorship’s just to meet people and make money as a gamer.


Think of all the people you have banned in the past, they had to go somewhere. Yep here is a full network of these people thanks to people like Alex Jones’s presences in the including current ones now.  Religious nutjobs and other forms of trolls live here and something else that I can not put my finger on it also exists here. With that being said, unlike twitch this can be a bit dangerous with doxing, chasers, and extreme religious nutjobs that is totally against any form of “trans” humanism.

I will update this more as the time progresses as my 30 days streaming to this platform continues.

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Warframe vs Destiny 2. I Went Back to Des2

Hi there,

I have recently have taken a new road and replaced my warframe content creation for over 2 years+ and my countless of applying to partnership to now content creator has failed.   I can’t keep creating content just not to be noticed by now. I spent my time from MR0 to MR28 live on twitch. I am a simple no one, they are a bit uppity with who they select to represent them and don’t cater at all to the aspiring ones who is working hard not just to enjoy a game but to also share that to others to inspire them to play along with you.  Instead they hand pick favorites especially really bad eggs out there who are more of a sell out streamer than a real community, or a streamer who keeps it real, so to speak.

So here is what I am going to dig into, my review of Warframe vs Destiny 2…
Both are beautiful games, one is first person RPG like game the other not so much more like Hack and Slash shooting hybrid.  Before I got heavy into Warframe in 2018, I was heavy into Destiny 2, even tho I did play Warframe was extremely bad in Jan of 2014.

I am going to list my view of the problems with Warframe: even over the times they are too much into creating content in relation they seem to have a mind set that they have to give things back all the time, this is why we are over saturated with “warframes” and “weapons” in the game. They seem to be mixed of what content is and feel like they keep people hooked with giving them free stuff they can “farm” for.

When they announce stuff, they normally under deliver but give a smoke screen of per-se an “I am sorry” to the community.  Recently instead of doing the new world add on they  recycled one and used the same framework of Fortuna and Plains of Eidolon and it really feel like it was a spike of “hey, sorry but here is something we can throw together really quick”.

I never realized this until recently but Warframe is technically a 3d clone of Diablo. But I am a fan of Diablo Games, so I will give something positive to say about it.  This game is basically the same concept of Diablo, Each node is a dungeon you run and complete and have a random drop. If Diablo made a 3rd person hack / slash game Warframe would be it.  You farm the dungeon (location) until you get the drop you want, added materials for more farming of the dungeons(locations). Makes time go by due to all the farming.  I guess the community is good? I feel rather ignored from the community especially when I ask questions or give feedback / help.

Destiny 2, it’s a shitshow since it was starting to feel a bit overwhelmed pre blizzard speration and became a bigger shitshow after, but with beyond light and the vaulting of the planets. it’s actually becoming better again.

You can’t compare Destiny 2 vs Warframe because technically they are both a different genre, but somehow it gets assumed they are? so my positive feed back in this game is:
This is a FPS game not a 3rd person hack and slash.
It has a solid story line and alot of nice features, it feels like a First person shooter with an RP feel and a bit of both pvp and pve all over.  It does have the random generated weapon stats but it’s minor to the weapon you want to go for, weapons are not over saturated and exotics feel epic when you get them especially hidden ones to even extremely rare ones.

So, I just say experience warframe for yourself they came a very long way and it’s much easier now than it used to be and give destiny 2 a try as well, they are no longer apart of blizzard-activision so they do their own thing now which makes the game even more focused and strong to make their own decisions.

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